Exciting times!

I am moving into a new studio apartment in 3 days. It is very tiny. I plan to make it as comfy and cute as I can. I feel as though I have a duty to make it the girliest bachelorette pad one has ever seen. After living with boys and staring at neutral colours for quite some time, my love for flowers and the colour pink has grown exponentially. That's not to say that I won't miss the nights that consisted of beer and Call of Duty.

Anyways- photos of my decorating techniques coming soon!


I am going to India in 13 days. I am hoping to get some wonderful photos from this beautiful place. For abroad inspiration, I watched Joey L.'s documentary on his travels to Ethiopia.

Here are a couple of wonderful ladies who celebrated birthdays this weekend:



One last thing; (this is actually the first time I've ranted on my blog I kind of enjoy it) I was shown this new album and I am IN LOVE. I would like to share my favourite song!

Stranger - The White Lies
